Phone: (828) 674-4946 Email:
Based in Asheville, I'm available for travel throughout Western North Carolina.
Hours and Availability
Visits are on an appointment basis
Daytime availability varies with my schedule, but I am able to come most evenings and weekends.
I do not provide emergency services
Same day appointments are accommodated if I am available
Cost for home euthanasia
Acceptable forms of payment: cash, PayPal, and check
No additional fees for weekend or evening hours (before 7 PM).
My fee covers:
In depth consultation to help you with this difficult decision
Quality of life assessment
Home euthanasia
Aftercare, including transportation to a crematory facility if needed
Grief resources
Follow-up support at any time
Cremation is a separate fee
Fee schedule:
Up to 1 hour drive from Asheville $250
For longer distance travel, additional fees apply depending on the distance.
Cost for cremation
Individual with return of cremains
Up to 25 lbs $160
25-50 lbs $190
51-100 lbs $220
Over 100 lbs $250
Communal without return of cremains
Up to 50 lbs $60
50-100 lbs $80
Over 100 lbs $120